Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bill’s Shop

(Note: this is late as the WiFi in the park was down…..sorry!)

At long last Bill’s shop is done………almost! He assures me that he is not going to buy any more paint, but he has had so much fun painting his part of our new little Texas House that he may have developed an”addiction” to bright colors!!!!







Now, remember this room is only 8X12 and if you look closely you will see 3 different paint colors in this small space……….   IMG_6065


…..yet , it works!!!!!

He is so happy to have all his tools back in one place again and everyday he asks what can he build for me today!!! Amazing, give the man 96 square feet and he’s happy!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with about 100 of our “close and personal” friends here at Lone Star Corral.







The dinner was prepared by Art and Sandy Million and their capable crew and it was fantastic!!!!


Look at this table full of desserts……sugar high in the making!!!!


Tomorrow is “decorate the Clubhouse for Christmas” party followed by hot turkey sandwiches and turkey noodle soup all made with the leftovers from that dinner!!!

We brought down all our decorations from the attic today and I will start the decorating process at our house too. Most of these decorations have been in storage in Lewiston, ID since 2004, so it will be fun re-discovering our treasures. Even “Bah Humbug” Bill is getting in the spirit and helping me!! I will post pictures when completed.

All for now, busy times here this winter so have get lots of rest to keep up.




Peggy n David said...

I finally finished up our decorations yesterday by putting a 'net' light on our propane tank :) Last year we didn't get in until Dec 23 so I missed decorating the clubhouse and the rig as well! Made up for it this year!

Anonymous said...

Bill's shop looks like a man's dream! :) Miss you two & Love you much!!! Love, Kimmy