Saturday, December 24, 2011

“Tis The Season…..

We want to wish all our family and friends…..


….may it be filled with love and laughter!

Christmas Balls

We are very busy working on our little house here in Texas and it is coming along nicely.


As you can see Bill has built steps for each entrance so we don’t have to worry about the ‘wobbly’ bricks any longer. The weather here has not been very nice, lots of rain and cloudy days, and even though Texas needs lots of rain it sure makes for some very dreary days.

IMG_5440But in spite of the weather important matters must be attended to, such as decorating for Christmas!!! Bill hadn’t even finished putting the hand rails on the porch and I was wrapping them in tinsel. I love my porch and now it feels like a real home.


  And when the weather dries up we’ll finish painting them, but that can wait!!!

Did you notice the sign on the porch rail? We have been carrying that sign with us for about 5 years, waiting for a place to hang it….now it has a home!!!

IMG_5443 I have also been working on the landscaping….actually very little work! But it has been too cold to plant the agave and other cactus that I have planned, so that is something else that will wait till the weather breaks. Actually that pot is about 2-1/2 feet in diameter, so it makes my one little cactus look really small!!!

Also added to our landscape is a huge Texas shaped stepping stone with our names etched into it. This was a gift from our friends, Jane and Jerry, who live just down the street from us. When done with the landscaping it will be a prominent feature in the yard,

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When I decorate, I decorate everything including my golf cart!

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That’s all from here……hope your Holidays are festive and filled with love and laughter.

Just Us Kids……………….waiting for the sun to shine again in Texas!Sun Drawing


Michelle said...

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Santa is bringing Emily a doll that poops, something she asked for. We told her that her nurses weren't going to change baby's diapers but she just laughs. I can't wait till she opens the gift.

Love to you both,
Michelle & girls

Ali Workentin said...

Merry Christmas! Was fun to share Christmas dinner with you today!!!