Friday, December 2, 2011


IMG_5292December 1st we helped our friend, Ali, celebrate her birthday……we won’t mentioned which one!!!

A gang of us went for dinner at the Buckhorn Saloon and Steakhouse in D’Hanis, TX.









The Buckhorn is a quaint old fashioned place as all of D’Hanis is and is always a fun place to go for good food.IMG_5297







After a great dinner we were all treated to sopapillas on the house with a special one with ice cream and cinnamon for Ali ! With the traditional sombrero while we all sang Happy Birthday.IMG_5301All in all it was a really fun evening, thanks Ali for having a birthday and again, Happy Birthday.

Just Us Kids…………….havin’ fun.

1 comment:

Ali Workentin said...

Thanks for posting pictures of my birthday celebration!!! It was so fun to have all of you there.