Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

HiIt’s a new year and time again for making resolutions……..NOT!!! I never keep them so why bother making them!

But always on the first day of the year I get into a strange mood, I’m not sure if it is a reflective mood, a pensive mood or just the feeling that time is going by faster than I can keep up! Yes, I know, it’s just my advancing age speaking here!!!

However, all moods aside, it is a new year and I hope, as I do every year, with all my heart that it is a better year than the last. 2012 was filled with too many tragedies, including the senseless killings of children in a school, a huge k1907368storm that left so many homeless, the Bengazi affair and many others that are too depressing to think about right now! Our country on the brink of financial collapse and a government running amok to name but a few of the problems which must be faced and corrected in 2013. We have a lot of work to do in the coming year, so gear up!

OK, now you see what I mean about a strange mood……..but there were a lot of good things that happened during 2012 also, most of them were little milestones for Mr. Bill and I. We have our health, we have a great family, and we have great friends here at Lone Star Corral. We are still able to do what we want and have enough money to pay the bills, with a little left with which to play.

0511-1002-2522-1651Our little home here is coming along and adds so much to our comfortable life here in Texas. 2013 will bring the huge porch addition to our little home and also more landscaping. Yes, I will post pictures of the progress!

But the purpose of this post is to wish everyone a Happy New Year and best wishes for everything good in 2013. But also to remind us all not to forget the lessons, good and bad, that we learned in 2012.

Just Us Kids ……….. with love to all!!!!71-832968073


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to both of you! We, too, are having a hard time staying positive...but maybe some answers will be found in this new year. We hope so. Looked longingly at Lot 55, but it's still too early for us. So nice to keep up with your news, and we'll be watching the progress on the porch! Take care...Lilli

Jay and Linda said...

Happy New Years to you and Bill. I get into strange moods this time of year but moving on now. Getting excited to move on. We will be in Wy for summer and it sounds like a lot of fun there.