Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Busy, busy, busy……..

Yes, it’s that time of the year when we are all busy, no matter where you live, and here at Lone Star Corral the holidays are in full swing!!!!

576289_459815374077266_237484437_nAs I mentioned in a previous post, every year we play “Santa’s Elves” for the pre-K through 5th graders at the neighboring D”Hanis Elementary School, and the Elves have been very, very busy getting all the stockings stuffed and the cookies baked for delivery to the school on Friday.

(Picture by Jimmie Shader)

Tomorrow all 162 students are coming here to Lone Star Corral to perform their Christmas program for us. What a sight, all of the kids in our Clubhouse, singing and dancing or whatever their program involves. It is wonderful and lots of fun, followed by cookies and punch for every child, teacher and the parents accompanying them.

Unfortunately we will miss it this year as Mr. Bill has an infusion treatment for his rheumatoid arthritis starting at 8:30 in the morning which lasts most of the day. But I will “borrow” some pictures to add to a future post.

While Mr. Bill is relaxing and chatting with all the cute nurses, I am going shopping!!! Now that is not my favorite sport, Mr. Bill is the shopper at our house, but there is a Hobby Lobby not too far away in San Antonio as well as a Costco, so after checking out all the fun things at Hobby Lobby I’ll go stock up at Costco. Then it’s back to the clinic with my book to wait as it usually takes about 6-7 hours to complete the infusion and then we go back for the 2nd round in 2 weeks, but thank goodness this happens only 1 time a year…….so far!!!!

Plans for Christmas Eve are coming together…….a chili feed followed by a game of “Dirty Santa”, the game where you can “steal” someone else’s gift…….or they can steal yours!!!!

Christmas Day will be a potluck in the Clubhouse with the ham provided. Then it will be home to talk to all the kids, that’s if you didn’t talk to them in the morning!

Then for me, after Christmas, it’s time to start closing the books for the year as I am the Treasurer here.


So just in case I don’t have time to write again before all the festivities, let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas with peace and love for us all.

Just Us Kids……………….image0095

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope that Bill is feeling better after the infusion. Wow, that's a lot of Christmas stockings! And I bet the kids do just love it. We got to hear some kids singing Christmas carols when we attended a bazaar at a local elementary school, it had been years since I was at a program of any kind. We loved of all sizes and singing abilities. I especially love the ones that finish the songs WAY before the others, and proud of it! Too funny. Take care...Lilli