Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May in Seattle

We have been here now for just over a week and the rain has not stopped yet.nicubunu_Weather_Symbols_Rain Once in a while the skies open and we get a very short glimpse of sunshine, but then the clouds move back in and the rains begin again! It took about 2 years to lose our ‘webbed feet’ formed after all those years of living here in Seattle, but we can feel them starting to ‘web’ again! Yikes! We are thinking now that next year we will stay another month in the warm sunshine of Texas before coming north.

We complain about the rain, but we have been busy, well actually Bill has IMG_5721been busy helping Brad with projects around their house. They just got new carpeting and flooring so all the ‘transition strips’ and baseboards needed to be replaced. A load of gravel mysteriously arrived in the front yard the other day which needs to be spread to renew the gravel in the long driveway, so Bill is working on that! Also a new dog run is being built for the latest addition to the family, Cocoa, a gorgeous chocolate Lab. (will try to get a picture of her)

ME Queen


What have I been doing????? Well actually not much!!! Just relaxing mostly…….oh wait, I did the laundry, does that count as doing something? Oh, and I vacuumed the entire motor home!!! Smile 

When that was done I got on the phone and scheduled lunch with some old friends!!!!


Wednesday, May 9th:

Had to take a break from completing this post as the sun came out!!!!! Sun DrawingYay! Around here when the sun makes an appearance, everything indoors is put on the back shelf and we all head outside to soak up the rays!!!! Believe it or not the sun stayed around for 3 days and today it is trying to make another appearance or it is just teasing us!!!

All for now…..have to find something productive to do! Maybe I’ll just call one of the girls and go shopping instead!!!!

Just Us Kids……….waiting for summer in Seattle.

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