Today our ‘Ranchita’ arrived………..on the back of a truck!!!
We moved the motor home out of the way and then sat down to wait for the truck to arrive!!!
Finally, here it comes. Now comes the truly amazing part…..!
The building was ‘dumped’ gently onto the street in front of our lot, then the driver, yes, just one guy, got the fork lift off the truck and the wheels to move the building.
He propped up one end of the building to put the wheels underneath, then picked up the other end and “drove” it into place on the lot to precisely the spot we had marked out.
While the driver was leveling it, all the neighbors who had been watching the amazing show, had an opportunity to look inside.
The entire process took about an hour from start to finish and the gathered crowd was as impressed as we were with the talent of the one-man building moving crew!!!
And here it is, with the coach back on the lot. Doors on our new building were left open to accommodate the many friends and neighbors who wandered by for a look.
Over the winter we will be finishing the inside and landscaping the yard.There will be a shop for Bill and an even larger craft room for me with a sitting area for us to enjoy time out of the coach. Next fall we will add an eight foot porch to the front so we can enjoy the breezes as we sit in our rocking chairs…..right!!!
As you can see the yard right now is just rocks which I plan to transform into a dry creek bed with agave, cactus and other natural plants for this region.
You can see we have a lot of work ahead of us, but as with all labors of love, we are looking forward to getting started!!
Will post pix of the continuing progress.
Just Us Kids…………….tired but happy it’s here!!!
How wonderful! I should get one of those for my embroidery business. Can't wait to see your yard progress. Sounds like fun! Will the weather let you do yard work during the winter? Thanks for keeping us posted.
Michelle & girls
Cool! That is pretty awesome, and can't wait to see it...are you decorating it for Christmas? Anyone singing Carols this year? It was so fun last year!
Hooray!!! Do you feel more grounded now?
Does this mean my "bedroom" under the coach will be available for future visits??? :) Love the new Ranchita...can't wait to see the progress! Love you! ~Kimmy
Looking good!!! Hope to get over in the next day or two to see the inside. Glad it arrived safely!!!
It loooks great. Can't wait to see pictures of it done.
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