Sunday, October 23, 2011


Adobe DoorI am beginning to think that I need to rename my post…… was started as a travelogue to share our adventures out here in the road. However, it appears that our “wandering” has taken a different course. But when one door closes, another door opens.

We are still full-time RVers and we will continue to live in our motor home, but we have settled into a routine that many folks do after a number of years on the road. Having traveled to all but 2 of the United States (Rhode Island and Delaware and of course Hawaii. We have been there many times just not in the motor home, duh!) we have chosen South Texas to be our winter roost and the Seattle area to be our summer playground, with the occasional volunteer post with Fish and Wildlife. We have curtailed much of our wandering for a couple of reasons: 1) the price of fuel is becoming a hardship on the budget, 2) the novelty of tourist shops is gone.

Don’t misunderstand me, we are still the same adventurous people we have always been, but our adventures will be clustered in and around the areas in South Texas and the Seattle area, and of course points between. There are many areas of the southwest and the northwest that we plan to revisit on our way to and from our destinations.

j0362846As noted in earlier posts, we are building a nest here in South Texas and are really looking forward to having a place to store, as well as enjoy, some of the things we have gathered while traveling. Also to have a shop for Bill to use all his tools that are at present in a storage unit in Idaho, and a craft room for me to enjoy without having to dig everything out of boxes that are so carefully stowed in various hide-outs in the coach.

So while this blog may take a different turn on the road of life, rest assured that we will continue to share our thoughts as well as our adventures with you.

Kay and Bill……….thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Ali Workentin said...

Just checking to see if new pictures are up. Didn't get a chance to grab the camera and come down...too much business in the office ;)