Monday, April 14, 2014

Greetings from the high desert where the sun shines brightly and the wind blows…….always!!!!

CoyoteWe have not had much time to explore the Roswell area yet as we have been busy working and getting to know the refuge. We have a vehicle for our use, so we have been exploring the back roads of the refuge. Yesterday we saw a coyote checking out the ducks in the lake, but of course did not have my camera and my phone camera just couldn’t do it. Oh well, next time!!! (It’s a little bit like “Finding Elmo”)

It didn’t take long for Steve, the volunteer coordinator, to see that we needed very little training and he started thinking of other projects we could do. They are planning a CCC Exhibit and I am doing some research on that, as well as helping to create a Volunteer Orientation Packet. Bill is already involved in a plumbing repair job at one of the ranger’s houses.

Everyone is very friendly and right away made us feel welcome. The refuge manager brought us 1-1/2 dozen eggs from his chickens and last night we had a cookout at Berni’s administrative manager) house here on the refuge.

The day we arrived the entry road was being torn up in preparation for new asphalt, so that means there are trucks running everywhere around us during the day. But soon that will be done and all will be quiet again. The nights are amazingly quiet……no trains, no nothing!!! It’s wonderful!!!


Cactus Blooms 1

The cactus are just starting to bloom and they are so pretty. this one is right outside the door to the Visitor’s Center.

Cactus blooms




The sunsets are fabulous….this is the view behind our RV.



Stay tuned for more Adventures with Bill and Kay 

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