Sunday, January 15, 2012

Life in Texas


Boy with snowball


I couldn’t resist this in light of the weather y’all have been having in the north and in some parts of the southwest. Thank goodness we have not had any snow here in South Central Texas……yet!!!!  We have had some freezing nights but it always warms up again during the day, and that is why we come to Texas for the winter!!!!!

We have found that living in a 55+ park is not a place to rest and relax!!! There is always something happening here, ice cream socials, potlucks, dinners and lots of fun and games. Now all these things do not just happen by themselves……it takes lots of meetings and planning. So there is never a dull moment and if you are bored or lonely it’s your own fault. Sometimes I look forward to heading north in the summer just to rest, but after a couple of months up there I begin to wish I was back into my hectic schedule here in the park!!

Nothing really exciting to write about today, just wanted to say “Hi” to all my friends out there in ‘blogland’. Next week I may have something to report to you but for now…………stay happy and stay warm.

Just Me……………….Child Drawing 2

1 comment:

Jay and Linda said...

Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself.