Monday, January 2, 2012


Be Happy

Today is the first day of 2012 and my hope is the same this year as in all the past New Year’s of my life, that we all have a happy, healthy and prosperous year.

In past year’s  my resolutions have been the same…..lose weight, only eat healthy foods, and exercise more, and in past years my resolutions were broken before the first week has ended!!!

So I have decided this year not to make any resolutions at all, I am just going to live my life in the same way I have been doing for, lo, these many years. Be happy, do what feels good, love my husband and my family with all my heart, be kind to those around me.

I will be honest and truthful, be determined in all that I attempt, and not let negativity defeat me. I will not be bullied, instead I will walk away, and I will not bully anyone either as that is not in my nature.

I will not let regret darken my thoughts, I will look forward and not back. Find new ways to challenge my mind and creativity.

I guess what I am saying is: I will be myself at all times.

There are and will be those who do not like who I am, but that is their loss as I have a lot to offer in the way of friendship and love. I will not worry and try to make everyone like me as that is impossible.

There are also those who would have me change, to be what they want me to be……….sorry I am me and that will not change, so accept me as I am.

So my advice (which I rarely give) to you is just to be yourself. Start now and it will be the easiest resolution to keep.

My wish for all is for a year filled with happiness, good health, good friends and enough money to live simply.

Love and hugs to all in 2012………..Child Drawing 2


Peggy n David said...

Oh yes - by all means lets be ourselves. That is best, that way we don't 'slip up' and be something we're not!

Safe and Happy and Healthy - all good things :)

Michelle said...

I can say ditto on that one! I stopped making resolutions a few years ago. However I would like to figure out how to keep Grace's play area clean this year...... Pick your stuff up means something totally different to her than it does to me.

Michelle & girls

Ali Workentin said...

I agree! and just had another incident with someone who has to "one up" me - so I am going to just let it go, grab some cheese to go with my wine and move on.

I love you just the way you are!!! And am so blessed that our paths have crossed in more ways than one!!!

Love you!!

PS...Ron is now saying we are going to ship our doors here while we are home in March. So I will quit bugging you about the jeep doors...well maybe I will quit bugging you!!!

Anonymous said...

I have always loved you for who you are!!! You are an incredible person and am so very blessed to have you in my life! Your advice (which you rarely give) is ALWAYS appreciated. :) All my love to my two favorite peeps! ~Kimmy